1 . install theme

can upload file theme.zip via Ftp in root/themes/theme.zip and install it in admin
2 . after install theme done need Click regenerate image again

and need Clear Cache in your browser or test in private browser for see update.
3 . need turn off all Cache here for see update.

can turn on Cache later when site go live
4 . config of homepage you can see here

5 . choose Header if want

my theme using pagebulder for build page , it easy more for build content , can choose avaiable Header , Footer or can make new if want.
6 . in admin can make custom here

*CSS will only for this profile , not for other profile.
6 .

and don't make CSS wrong , else site maybe broken
7 . in Ftp can make CSS in file css
8 . can refer guide for module here
if don't clear something , you can contact to me , I will check with you.
9 . translation

normal 90% Text you can see translation in
Translation => Themes => DO_KALLES
Translation => Themes => classic
some Text in Translation => Modules
can contact to me if you can find translation , I will check for you.
10 . can turn off paneltool button here